The following screenshots will assist you with setting up your NEW KDSI email account:
Setup KDSI Email on Outlook 2003
Setup KDSI Email on Outlook 2007
Setup KDSI Email on Outlook 2010
Setup KDSI Email on Outlook 2013
Windows Live
Setup KDSI Email on Windows Live
Outlook Express
Setup KDSI Email on Outlook Express
Setup KDSI Email on Thunderbird (16 or older)
Setup KDSI Email on Thunderbird (17 or newer)
Mac Mail
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.4 Tiger
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.5 Leopard
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.6 Snow Leopard
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.7 Lion
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.8 Mountain Lion
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.9 Mavericks (automatic)
Setup KDSI Email on Mac Mail 10.9 Mavericks (manual)
Setup KDSI Email on OS X 10.10 Yosemite (automatic)
Setup KDSI Email on OS X 10.10 Yosemite (manual)
Entourage (Mac)
Setup KDSI Email on Entourage (Mac)
Setup KDSI Email on Incredimail
Setup KDSI Email on Incredimail 2
Setup KDSI Email on Android as First Account
Setup KDSI Email on Android as Second Account
iPhone or iPad
Setup KDSI Email on iPhone or iPad iOS 4 or 5